Motiveer, help en trigger bezoeker

What do you want to achieve on your site?

Bij conversie gaat het dus om doelen bereiken, bijvoorbeeld het verhogen van het percentage bezoekers van je website dat het contactformulier invult. Als je website 100 bezoekers heeft, waarvan 10 bezoekers een contactformulier invullen, dan is de conversie op dit punt 10%.

Now look at your own product or service. What do you want to achieve on your website? Keep this in mind and think about how you can motivate the visitor to do this, how you can make it as easy as possible for them to achieve this and what triggers you can use to do this.

1. Motivate your visitor

Make sure you motivate your visitor on your site. You can do this, for example, using  persuasion principles. If you apply these, the visitor is more likely to put more effort into achieving their goal. However, if your visitor is highly motivated and you make it difficult for him on your site, frustration will arise (see below in the model).

Conversie motiveer help trigger

Clever motivation from Nike
Nike tells you: 'Greatness is for all of us. Find yours.' A nice big picture with various types of people. You can almost see the sportier version of yourself in front of you when you look at it!

Nike website

2. Make it easy on your visitor

Often a visitor is motivated to do something on your site, but simply fails to do it. For example, he wants to order a new pair of trousers online, but the ordering process is long and complicated. Or someone wants to fill in the contact form, but runs into unnecessary questions. These questions can be a barrier to completing the form. And away your visitor is then. If the user can reach their goal easily(er), the conversion rate will be higher.

A bank is just a bank tells you that banking should be simple again. The website has a super good interface and works very intuitively. If banking at Simple is as simple as using their site, they are in for a treat.

Website Simple Screenshot

3. Don't forget the triggers

Your visitor may be motivated and the action may be easy to perform; without a trigger, nothing happens yet. The red fuel light in your car is a trigger to fill up and a traffic light that turns green is a trigger to accelerate. A trigger on your site often takes the form of a button with catchy text in it. We also call this trigger a 'call-to-action', or a signal that says to you: 'Do it now!'

Download Chrome now!
The blue Chrome download button is on a white background and stands out nicely. What's more, they include a bit of motivation with the text 'Get a fast, free web browser. Google Chrome runs websites and applications with lightning speed.' In other words: 'Do it now!

Chrome screenshot

Facilitating behaviour

As a company, you tend to focus on people's motivation. Motivation is important, but according to Fogg, however, you should primarily facilitate behaviour. So make it as easy as possible for motivated people to do what they want to do! It will significantly increase the conversion rate on your site.

Online growth begins with knowledge

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