EasyToys vernieuwde website Concept7 case

We know EasyToys as the provider of various sex toys. The brand's mission is to encourage as many people as possible to discover, experiment and enjoy. This calls for a future-proof concept, translated into a website that is innovative within the industry.

  • The customer EasyToys
  • Services
    ux-design visual-design gebruikersonderzoek development strategie
  • Result www.easytoys.nl/

How did we help EasyToys?

Learning and validating through user research

From strategy to UX and visual design

View how we have brought digital success to other companies

Show yourself some love!

By breaking taboos and making sex negotiable, EasyToys tries to have a positive impact on the sexual well-being of as many people as possible. And with their in-house knowledge and wide range of products, they try to deliver ultimate pleasure between the sheets to the diverse target group.

The challenge: excite online

A distinct brand identity requires a powerful online translation. We translated the new positioning and proposition in the following ways:

An online design that matches the new proposition and positioning.

A digital concept for the website that is future-proof.

Elaboration in UX and visual design of the e-commerce platform.

EasyToys website jaaroverzicht design
EasyToys website producten design

Leren en valideren door gebruikersonderzoek

Before we design, we always start with the research phase, in which we learn as much as possible about the service and market, the character of the organisation and of course: the different target groups and their needs. What are they looking for and what motivates them?

Human-centred design: the user is central

Human-centred design is in everything we do. This is an end-user-centred design process. This working method is woven into all project steps, with the aim of getting to know users and testing with them as much as possible. This ensures optimal conversion and user experience.

Getting started with EasyToys

Together with EasyToys, we looked at internal factors and their diverse customer base: from novice to experienced consumers. The website has roughly equal numbers of male and female visitors, of varying ages. 

Every time I buy a toy I find it quite exciting. I would like to discover how to enrich my/our sex life and explore the new frontier of my/our normal.

Needs of an anonymous EasyToys customer

I am looking for a brand that understands what I am going through and helps me explore. But who does not make my sexuality vulgar, but acts normal with a wink and is discreet at the same time.

Motivation from another anonymous EasyToys customer

Customer journey

It is important to respond to the different motivations of these diverse customers.

Briefly, these are the main perspectives:

For the novice consumer: Make it negotiable.

For consumers with mediocre experience: explore more or try something new.

For the experienced consumer: pushing boundaries.

Van strategie naar UX- en visual design

Our UX and Visual designers designed the pages in consultation with EasyToys. Goal: user-friendly operation and an eye-catching, tantalising design that breathes EasyToys.

Customer service Overview page, category page and the detail page.

My Easytoys
Overview, My data, My loyalty points, My unique gifts, Order overview, My returns, My wish list and My reviews.

Shopping cart, Login, Delivery options, Choose day and time, Payment and the Thank You page.

EasyToys blog design
Easytoys tablet design

De technische uitbouw van de website

We translated the UX and Visual design into scalable, fast and pixel-perfect front-end. Our front-end developers brought the pages and functionalities from the design to life in HTML/CSS. In a library, we recorded the building blocks so that EasyToys can easily develop further on its own in the future.

Extra: redesign voor de wholesale EDC Retail

EasyToys is part of EDC Retail: European market leader in erotic articles. The webshops deliver throughout Europe and especially in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. EDC Retail challenged us to take on the redesign of the entire umbrella website. You can see that result here.

EasyToys E-commerce productpagina design
EasyToys mobiel design

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