Hypotheek Visie Case website design

A website that exudes professionalism and assurance is crucial when you are about to take one of the most important steps in your life. Namely: buying a house. This is exciting and quite an undertaking. How do we make sure a website wins your trust?

  • The customer Hypotheek Visie
  • Services
    gebruikersonderzoek concept ux-design visual-design development
  • Result hypotheekvisie.nl
Hypotheek Visie Design homepage

About Mortgage Vision

Hypotheek Visie has been providing independent, appropriate mortgage advice for more than 30 years. In 67 branches throughout the Netherlands, they have already provided more than 100,000 mortgages. That everyone can live to live is their mission.

You ask, we build

Although Hypotheek Visie's service scores high during physical contact moments, the outdated website ran into several bottlenecks:

The CMS (content management system) lacked an evolution. Several functionalities were missing or not working optimally.

As technology lagged, organic positions also declined. These are the visitors to your website who come in from a search engine via a non-paid search result.

At the time, the website was built from functionality rather than branding. The brand story which revolves around a warm organisation with expert advisers turned out to be far removed from the look and feel of the website.

So time for a new website that meets Hypotheek Visie's needs and expectations. What do we convey with this new platform?

The technical platform...

  • closes seamlessly to the perspective of the different target audiences.

  • builds trust and thereby triggers action

  • serves existing customers as well as franchisees optimally while expanding the customer base.

  • is user-friendly, solid and ensures higher conversion.

  • remains optimisable (also in the future) in terms of CRO

Human-centred design: put the end user first

To achieve these goals, we work with the 'human-centred design' process. This is a design process that focuses on the end user rather than the organisation. For us, this process is the guiding principle in every issue.

Hypotheek Visie is a franchise company, which means that franchisees should also be involved in this entire project.

Behoeften van de doelgroep inzichtelijk maken met gebruikersonderzoek

By putting the target audience first, you will find out interesting insights that are essential for building or optimising your digital product. But how exactly do you do that? By starting the conversation, listening and asking through. 

Insights from franchisees and customers

Using in-depth interviews, we identified the following valuable insights:

For clients, it is an important step in their lives. Trust is crucial in this: do I trust you and your advice?

People value personal contact.

People like to have a professional/advisor looking on, but value having as few different contacts as possible.

People value an adviser from the immediate area, who knows what is going on.

Customers have 3 needs: Do you offer what I'm looking for? Can you prove it? And do we have a click?
Ivo UX Designer Concept7


Team lead creatie bij Concept7

The target groups and their needs

Hypotheek Visie's target market can be divided into first-time buyers, move-up buyers, seniors, entrepreneurs and expats. These in turn can be segmented into 3 different needs and attitudes:

Type 1: seeks complete relief and does not do any preliminary research. 

Type 2: Seeks complete relief, but does preliminary research.

Type 3: Thinks he can do it himself but ends up with a mortgage broker. 

What are the reasons for looking for a mortgage?

Buying a first home

Other home (divorce, want to live smaller/larger/different)


Mortgage transfer

Financial reason (rental, additional loan)

An overarching concept for all target groups

"How can we convey added value and best connect with the needs of potential customers so that we convince them to make an appointment?" With this main question, our creation team took a seat around the drawing board.

The insights and brand values were woven into a comprehensive, strong and visual concept: pleasant to meet. This concept conveys a personal feeling and makes information accessible and pleasant.

Concept Hypotheek Visie
Logo concept Hypotheek Visie

Een compleet redesign van de nieuwe website

How do we show that Hypotheek Visie is the most accessible and reliable mortgage broker in the Netherlands? 

We do this with a design that

  • encourages conversion;

  • invokes the recognisable spirit of the brand idea (it's all about living);

  • includes on and offline assets that reinforce each other;

  • is easily applicable;

  • appeals to a broad target audience. 

In the visual throughline, we split Mortgage and Vision. Mortgage sits on rationality and Vision on emotion. In the design, we create an interplay: information and numbers meets human and personal.
Jaap Concept7


Visual design lead bij Concept7

Kleuren design Hypotheek Visie
Hypotheek Visie Visual Design Contact
Hypotheek Visie Visual Design Vestiging

De technische realisatie van de nieuwe website

An interactive prototype (for mobile and desktop) was used to test the main web pages. This provided the development team with a nice basis for the technical realisation of the website. 

The technical goals for this new platform: 

Generating leads through well-turned contact forms.

Increase conversion through optimisation in user experience.

Set up a flexible CMS where content pages can be self-completed.

Solid security from the OpenSource platform. This is software whose source code has been published and is freely available to the public.

To achieve these goals, our team set to work on:

  • Converting the created design into code and functionality. 

  • Implementing a new CMS (content management system).

  • Setting up a server for the website.

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